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  • News

NATURATA charity event: 15.000 € for the SOS-Faim project in South-Kivu

For the second time already, NATURATA Luxembourg asked its Clients during the holiday season 2018/19 to support the rural development in the Congolese Province of South-Kivu. In a border Region to Rwanda, SOS Faim helps small Farmers with Food sovereignity.

Thanks to the cooperation between the Luxembourgish non-governmental Organisation and the local Partners, the people on site receive the technical, organisational and financial support that they Need to improve the economic and social Situation sustainably and become Independent of emergency aid.

NATURATA Clients donate more than 6.500 Euro

From 1.12.2018 until 15th of January 2019, the Clients of NATURATA donated 5.927,10 Euro converted in loyalty stickers. Further 634,16 Euro resulted from cash donations at the cashier Stations.

The total amount of 6.561,26 Euro was doubled by NATURATA and rounded up to 15.000 Euro. This money was wired to SOS Faim überwiesen.

We want to express our gratitude to all our Clients that contributed to this amazing result.

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