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Video about new cellulose packaging for fruit and vegetables at Biogros

The switch in packaging film for fruit and vegetables to 100% biologically recyclable cellulose is a milestone in the many years of effort at Biogros to find the most resource-conserving material. This is a breakthrough, in line with the international climate protection efforts of the Paris Agreement and the EU strategy, according to which the development of more sustainable materials is to be promoted.

Against the background of the discussion about packaging waste in general and plastic packaging in particular, the question arises why organic products need to be packaged at all. But there are good reasons for this, which are explained in our short film.

In pure organic retail, where only organic-certified food is offered, most fruit and vegetable products are unpackaged. In mixed retail, however, which carries conventional and organic goods, the packaging not only serves to protect and extend the shelf life of the food, but also ensures the clear separation of organic and non-organic products. It is particularly important here to use printed packaging to label organic goods so clearly that consumers can find the organic food they are looking for without any doubt and without any risk of confusion. Important information about the cultivation and origin of the product is also provided on the packaging.

In principle, BIOG uses only as much packaging as necessary. The reduction of packaging and the search for the most environmentally friendly materials play a very important role. Various steps have already been taken in the past, e.g. for some products plastic has been replaced by paper or the products are only labelled with a banderole.

The cellulose packaging used by BIOG is the first film that has been proven to be 100% biologically recyclable. The raw material for film is sourced from residual and waste wood from certified forestry. It dissolves into its original natural components during composting, thus remaining part of an actual natural circular economy and conserving resources and the environment.