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BIOG’s “pluses”

The cooperative Bio-Bauere-Genossenschaft Lëtzebuerg (BIOG) and the organic wholesaler BIOGROS distribute, under the BIOG brand, high quality foods that respect the environment and are fair. The BIOG brand “pluses” are inscribed in the charter. They are binding on all members of the cooperative.

The BIOG products have ten “pluses” in total

1. Solidarity at fair prices

The main objective is the processing of Luxembourg organic farming products. An awareness of the fair price should emerge from the close collaboration between the producers, the processing companies, the retailers and the customers.

2. Organic is the norm

Only products from controlled organic and biodynamic production are processed and marketed, which means that synthetic chemical fertilisers, pesticides and genetic engineering can be widely excluded.

3. The European Organic Production Regulation is a minimum

The BIOG products satisfy the European standards on organic food as a minimum. Many BIOG products also satisfy the stricter directives of the association "Vereenegung fir Bio-Landwirtschaft Lëtzebuerg asbl."

4. Regional products first in line

BIOG is, above all, the brand of Luxembourg organic farmers. If a product is unavailable in sufficient quantities at a regional level, it is imported.

5. Imports for more continuity

Thanks to the importation of produce that is unavailable in the region or because of the season, the consumer can get hold of BIOG produce year round. In the long term, as much imported produce as possible will be replaced by regional produce.

6. Clear labelling

BIOG products carry the European organic label and may also carry the Bio-Lëtzebuerg or Demeter label. For mixed products like muesli, the product will carry only the European organic label if no other clear labelling is possible.

7. Transparency, source of confidence

If possible, every product will carry the name of the producer and/or the country of origin.

8. Coherent controls

The cooperative BIOG and the wholesaler BIOGROS, like all the suppliers upstream, are inspected by an independent institute in accordance with the provisions of the European Organic Production Regulation. All certified Bio-Lëtzebuerg or Demeter producers are also inspected by "Vereenegung fir Bio-landwirtschaft Lëtzebuerg asbl."

9. Internal processing

Wherever possible, BIOG and BIOGROS process and package their products themselves. Thus, for example, the BIOG dairy in Bascharage and the BIOG cheese dairies on the Schanck-Haff and Kass-Haff farms produce different dairy produce. The headquarters of the OIKOPOLIS group in Munsbach are where fruit and vegetables are packaged, and salads, vinaigrettes, soups and ready-to-eat cooked dishes are prepared.

10. Cooperation and interdependent competence

For those products that BIOG and BIOGROS cannot produce themselves, competent partner companies like Dudel-Magie (pasta), BIO-OVO (eggs), Proactif or Forum pour l'emploi come into play.